April 20, 2022
JOSH TRAPTOW - Executive Director of Heritage Calgary
will be speaking to us about
"The Development of Stampede Park 1912 - Present"
As a professional who continually gives back to Calgary, Josh is currently the Executive Director at Heritage Calgary.
Josh is an accomplished executive director with experience on both sides of the boardroom. A sought-after leader, communicator and advisor he has worked for both the municipal and provincial governments and has a unique understanding of the issues facing Calgary and our province.
He is an experienced political staffer at the both the Alberta Legislature and Calgary City Hall, having served in the Office of the Premier, in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture & Rural Development and for two City Councillors.
He sits on the boards of the Alberta Motor Association as a Calgary Regional Advisory Board Member and on the AMA Insurance Company Board of Directors.
Josh is an active community volunteer, he is the Past Chair of the Calgary Stampede's Agriculture & Western Events Media Committee and also serves as the Chair of the Board of the Calgary Military Family Resource Centre (MFRC) and on the board of the Women In Need Society (WINS). He is a past board member of the Alberta Historical Resources Foundation and Vertigo Theatre.
He has also volunteered for the Monarchist League of Canada, SAIT, Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Calgary, United Way of Calgary and the Calgary Public Library Foundation.
He has a diploma in Administrative Information Management from SAIT and a certificate in Public Relations from Mount Royal University. He also completed the NFP Governance Essentials Certificate through the Institute of Corporate Directors.
In September of 2016, Josh was recognized as a SAIT Outstanding Young Alumnus. In 2012, he was awarded the Queens Diamond Jubilee Medal for his contributions to Canada and his community. He is a third generation Calgarian.
710 13th Ave SW
Calgary, AB, Canada