The Canadian Club of Calgary was established in 1907. It promotes the goals of the Club by holding monthly luncheons, featuring guest speakers and supporting celebrations and anniversaries relating to Canada. Membership is open to those who support the aims of the club.
What is a Canadian Club?
A Canadian club is a group of people who meet at regular intervals around a luncheon or dinner table to listen to speakers on issues of national and international importance. There are over fifty Canadian Clubs located across the country and around the world.
What do Canadian Clubs do?
Simply put, Canadian Clubs provide public forums. Members represent men and women of all political, religious, cultural, and economic backgrounds. We welcome all who wish to meet with like minded people to listen to the speaker of the day.
Canadian Club members believe that one of the most practical ways to unify our nation is for each of us to learn about Canada and about important issues from a varity points of view. Today, as always, Canada faces new challenges and the need to stimulate a Canadian spirit is of paramount importance.