The Canadian Club of Calgary was established in 1907. It is part of a group of similar Clubs across Canada, all with the same objective.
All Canadian Clubs in Canada are not-for-profit, non-partisan organizations dedicated to promoting a Canadian identity, encouraging Canadian unity, and fostering an interest in public affairs and Canadian institutions. We want to make a difference and to encourage those who are making a difference in our society.
We are Canadians of all ages with diverse backgrounds who appreciate Canada’s strength and achievements and want to promote Canadian identity and foster Canadian unity.
To encourage and foster patriotism, Canadian unity and Canadian identity.
The Club seeks to fulfill its mission by meeting the following objectives:
- Engage informative guest speakers to provide awareness and exchange of ideas related to the history, institutions, arts, literature and resources of Canada.
- Support a productive, organized debate on topics related to Canada amongst students in our educational system.
- Promote the importance and privilege of Canadian citizenship.
Monthly luncheon meetings from September to June provide an opportunity for members and guests to hear speakers address issues of local, national or international importance.
An individual membership is only $52.50 per year and gives you discount pricing for all of our events, notice of all upcoming luncheons with biographies of the speakers and a chance to hear from some of Canada’s greatest thinkers, leaders and groundbreakers.
We invite you to join us in inspiring others to celebrate our history and our accomplishments as a nation. Learn about purchasing a membership here.
Life Members are honoured by Club for their outstanding contribution both to the Club and the Society. Past presidents of the Club can be honoured as lifetime members. Please email the President for more information on nominating a colleague for life membership. Coming soon.