May 19th - Heather Campbell: “Are we really in this together? A racialized reckoning of Canadian unity.”

May 19th - Heather Campbell: “Are we really in this together? A racialized reckoning of Canadian unity.”

Titling her speech “Are we really in this together? A racialized reckoning of Canadian unity.” Heather Campbell aims to create a discourse that benefits Canadians in creating a sense of interconnectedness within our national community.

Heather Campbell employs a plethora of educational achievements to her resume. She holds a Bachelor of Engineering Science degree in Biochemical and Chemical Engineering from the University of Western Ontario, a Master of Law in Energy Law and Policy from the University of Dundee, and is a licensed Professional Engineer Practicing in Alberta. In addition to her education, she has enjoyed an illustrious career involving many different disciplines. These roles involve technical, policy, and business roles in a full range of energy industries.

Currently, Heather has taken on a wide array of responsibilities. She is the Executive Director, Clean Technology with Alberta Innovates, a board director with Calgary’s performing arts centre Arts Commons, a member of the Advisory Council for Western Engineering, the People’s Warden at St. Stephen’s Anglican Church in Calgary, and most recently, a Commissioner with the Calgary Police. In addition to all of the above she is a lifelong, and passionate volunteer; along with being the former co-chair of Alberta’s Anti-Racism Advisory Council.

May 19, 2021 at 11:30am - 1pm
Online (Zoom)
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